
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Asiago Garlic Bread

In every meal, I try to incorporate a vegetable and carbohydrate to go with the protein or main portion of the dish. Typically, carbs for us, tend to be various forms of potatoes, pasta, rice and bread. Although, I do try to shy away from eating bread for dinner often (as we normally have it quite a bit throughout the day in other meals). And usually the type of carbs I choose will reflect the meal, itself, and complement it.

That goes without saying that garlic bread is one of those carbs that goes with nearly everything! When most people think of garlic bread, their mind immediately is drawn towards Italian foods, primarily pasta. But, it's great with steaks, seafood, soups and even the lightest version of a salad! It can also be prepared in a variety of ways; aside from the basic method of baking, you can grill it or broil it. And while it's garlic-y goodness is wonderful on it's own, it's substantially tasty substituted as a hamburger bun, making croutons out of it or even just "sopping" up the juices from a wonderfully prepared seafood dish with it.

I love garlic bread and I went all out with every form of traditionalism in making this recipe. I baked it and I served it with pasta. You don't get much more traditional than that folks! But sometimes tradition is good and I am a bit of a traditional gal! Making homemade garlic bread is so easy and it tastes so much better than the frozen version and it's much better for you without all of those nasty preservatives. I can't truly call it homemade-homemade because I didn't make the bread - I cheated there - but it's close to being homemade and it was GOOD.

Asiago Garlic Bread

2 Asiago Cheese Rolls (from bakery)
4 Tbsp. Butter
1/2 Tbsp. Fresh Basil, minced
3 Tbsp. Garlic, minced
1 Tsp. Fresh Parsley, minced
1/2 Tsp. Oregano
2 Tbsp. Parmesan Cheese, grated

Preheat oven to 500 degrees. Slice each roll in half and place on a baking sheet lined with aluminum foil, sliced side up.

In a small sauce pan, melt the butter over med-high heat. Add in the remaining ingredients and stir until combined. Brush the butter sauce on each piece of bread.

Bake for 7-8 minutes or until browned.

Yield: 4 Servings
Source: With a Cherry on Top

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