
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Queso Dip

I think it's pretty safe to assume that I do a majority of the cooking in our house.  But don't be fooled - Chris is an excellent cook and he definitely has his specialties.  For instance, his scrambled eggs - they are so good and the first time I came to visit him (we did the long-distance thing for a year), he made these for me in the morning and I never forgot them!

And let's talk about his catfish, shall we?

Being in the South, you can find catfish just about anywhere for lunch or dinner (it's a staple menu item at most places).  The thing is, it's always fried.  Don't get me wrong, fried is good.  Fried is VERY good, but it's not always the best for you and some places have a really heavy hand with their breading and I'm not much of a fan (neither is Chris).  But where he grew up in Alabama, grilled catfish is easier to come by and I gotta tell y'all, it is so, so good!  And when Chris makes it?  Oh lord, it's heaven!  It melts in your mouth and it's so tender.  We'll definitely have to add that to the list of blogging this Summer (we eat it a lot)!

And then there's his Queso Dip.  The infamous dip that is always requested for him to bring to gatherings of all kinds.  When we first started dating, he bragged about this dip and I thought, "Yeah, yeah, just another dip with Velveeta and biggie!"

Well, yes, it does have Velveeta in it, but it doesn't have salsa and it's SO much better than any homemade queso I've tried thus far!  I know I'm a little bias, but I'm being honest's really good!  It's one of those dips that you just can't.stop.eating.  No matter how hard you try, you just have to go back for one more chip.  And then one more.  Annnnnddd then one more.  Okay, I'm done!

Because we're trying our best to eat better these days (kind of hard to do with ribs and queso, but it was the Super Bowl), we opted to use ground turkey instead of beef.  Chicken would be exceptionally good in this as well!  And just like most of the recipes on here, you can really alter the heat to your liking.

 Queso Dip

1 lb. Ground Meat (Turkey, Beef or Chicken)
1 Med. Onion, diced
1 Lg. brick Velveeta Cheese
1 - 10 oz. can Diced Tomatoes with Lime Juice & Cilantro (we use Rotel)
1 - 10 oz. can Diced Tomatoes with Green Chiles (we use Rotel)
2 - 15 oz. cans Pinto Beans, drained and rinsed

In a large pan, cook the meat over med-high heat until browned.  Add in the onion and cook until tender.

In a large crock pot, add in the meat, cheese, tomatoes and beans; stir to mix.  Cook over low-medium heat for 2 hours or until heated through.

Serve immediately with tortilla chips, sour cream, lime, cilantro...whatever you want!

Yield: 12-14 Servings
Source: With a Cherry on Top Original

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