
Monday, February 21, 2011

Menu Madness - Week of 2.20.11

So last week's menu was really good!  Unfortunately, I didn't have great lighting to get decent shots to post, so there won't be any posts from much of last week.  I will say that the Mustard-Roasted Fish (from Ina) was really good and the Maple-Roasted Butternut Squash  (also from Ina) was phenomenal!  Holy cow, I cannot believe I've never made it before, but it was SO GOOD! 

Because we both loved it, it will definitely be finding it's way on the menu again (probably sometime soon) so I'll do my best to get some good pictures and post the recipes.  But you can also find the recipes in Ina's Barefoot Contessa: Back to Basics cookbook.  If you don't have this one, it's definitely worth keeping in your's a good one!

Last week was the first time Chris has tried couscous so that will definitely be making it's way into our menus more and more; it's a nice, healthy alternative to pasta and rice!  And this week, will be all new recipes so stay tuned! 

Have a great week!

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