
Monday, January 24, 2011

Menu Madness - Week of 1.23.11

Happy Monday to y'all!  I hope everyone had a great weekend and is ready for another week.  As promised, I am going to start posting our menu for each week to not only give you an idea of what we'll be eating for dinner each night (maybe to help you plan) but also to give you a sneak peek at what types of new recipes you can expect to see here in the next couple of weeks to come!

You may notice that I don't cook dinner every single night.  Because it's just the two of us here, I find that the meals I make during the week, tend to hold us over into another night with leftovers.  I don't believe in being wasteful and sometimes the leftovers are the best part!  So I usually try to judge and plan accordingly to the meal(s) that I'm making.  It really saves on time and cuts down on our grocery bill, but I always have extra items on-hand to quickly throw something easy together if we do run out of leftovers.  For instance, this week I have the ingredients to make Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup with Homemade Beer Bread or I could do Spaghetti with Homemade Turkey Meatballs and a salad if needed.  It's always good to be prepared!

So without further ado, here is the menu we have planned for this week....

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