I am pleasantly surprised (and quite flattered), to say the least, that I have recently been selected to receive a Beautiful Blogger Award! Katie from Whimsical, Whamsical, Whumsical felt that yours truly deserved this honor and what an honor it is! I am just so shocked - I mean, I didn't even have time to prepare a speech! Well here goes nothin'...Ahem, I would first of all, like to start off by thanking....Just kidding! I am really not going to bore you with all that mumble jumble nonsense! But, in all seriousness, thank you Katie! That was incredibly thoughtful and sweet of you to think of me!
So what are the duties of being Miss Beautiful Blogger?! It's simple, really.
1). Thank the individual who gave you the award and, of course, link to their beautiful blog.
2). Pass the award onto 15 other beautiful bloggers you feel are fantastic and deserving of this honor.
Seems easy enough, right?! Wrong. There are SO many blogs that I love to follow for so many different reasons! How could I possibly choose just 15?! I definitely have my work cut out for me, but I am going to do my best and honor those in which I believe are deserving recipients. Stay tuned for my selections...
congrats! I believe I also put you as a winner in mine!