Whew, what a week! Some of you may have noticed that I'm a little behind in posting (okay, A LOT), but what you may have also noticed is that I've undergone a face-lift! Well, not me personally, but With a Cherry on Top took on a new look and has some new features that have been added on as well! As I mentioned when I first started this blog, it's going to be a work in progress (always). I'm constantly looking for new add-ons and ideas to continue making it more and more user-friendly. Plus, I've grown a bit since I first started and will continue growing, which will also transpire into improvements to the site!
First thing's first - I have completely done away with the black and hot pink color scheme. While I love that color combo, it just wasn't working for me. With a Cherry on Top has digressed to a pistachio and coffee color scheme with hints of cherries jubilee....like my little play on words with the food-named colors?! I like to think they remind me of ice cream!
Another thing you may have noticed and will definitely begin to see is a HUGE improvement on my photography skills! I'm not claiming to be a pro (yet), but I've been doing a lot of research and reading up on food photography in addition to becoming best friends with my camera. I've been playing around with it's features, doing test-shoots before I actually take the "real" pictures and have brought in some fun and festive backgrounds to liven things up a bit. I've also gotten my hands on a photo editing program and am just into the basics right now, but slowly learning my way around it to help with the editing of my photos. Again, it's still a work in progress with definite improvements from before.
Onto the new features...I really haven't taken anything away from the older version; however, I have made some upgrades and added some new things that I hope you will find useful. Starting out with the "Categories" section - I have added more categories (hopefully) making it easier to look up and find recipes under a variety of topics. I've added other blogs! I now have an official "Blog Roll" listing all of my favorite food blogs (so far) that I love to follow, share ideas with and get inspiration from. In addition, there is a small group of "Other Blogs I Love" which is simply a list of other non-food blogs that I like to look at regularly simply because they are things of interest to me and maybe for you too! "Things That I Love" is going to be a common topic with posts on a regular basis where I will be highlighting things that I love...imagine that! They will all be cooking-related, of course, and may include items such as products (new and/or old) that I have fallen in love with, websites that I have come across, gift-giving ideas, etc. And eventually, (once I get caught up on my posts here), I'm going to add a "Weekly Menu" feature where you will see, every week, what our menu will look like here in our home to maybe provide you with some inspiration on your menu!
While I may have taken some time off from updating things on here, I certainly have not taken time off from the kitchen! I have many new recipes and pictures to share with you and will be working on getting them all posted here (hopefully) in the next few days. Thank you for your patience...Happy Eating!!!
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