We moved to Atlanta! Several months back, our prayers had been answered and we were blessed with the opportunity to move to Georgia for Chris' job. It was scary and exciting all at the same time, but we both felt this was an opportunity we couldn't turn down. We've been here for a few weeks now and are so happy with our decision - this is definitely where we want to be to continue growing in our relationship together and (hopefully) raising a family! I'm just waiting for someone to make it official...hint, hint....ahem, Chris!!!
I promise that I won't abandon you for much longer but please be patient as we continue to unpack and settle in. The good news is that my kitchen is finally unpacked (for the most part) and we have cooked 2 meals here now...yay! That may not seem like a big deal to y'all but when you've been living out of a hotel and eating out every single day (lunch and dinner) for almost 2 months, it doesn't get any better than cooking a real, homemade meal!
My Mom is flying in from Michigan next week, so I'll be spending some time with her but after that, I have great hopes that I'll be able to get back into the kitchen and start sharing with y'all some more of my favorite recipes! Until then, enjoy the rest of your Summer and I'll see you soon!