
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Lemon Ricotta Potatoes

Can I tell you that I have an obsession?  Yes, I have an obsession with food blogs.  I am constantly adding new blogs to my Google Reader and it's getting rather ridiculous.  I have a few other blogs I like to follow but I would say about 97% of them are food-related.  I have an uncontrollable amount of recipes marked in my reader to print off and someday make and to be frank with y'all, at this point, I have no idea if I'm ever going to get to all of them!  From the minute I wake up and get coffee going in my bloodstream, I am on the computer checking to see what new posts are out of recipes that look appetizing.  It's insane!  Does anyone else have this problem?  I sure hope I'm not the only one!

Among my rather ridiculous food blog obsession, I have others as well, but we'll save that for another time.  For now, for today, we'll just focus on food!  There is one blog, in particular, with which I enjoy following because not only does it give some fantastic recipes, it also provides it's readers with great ideas for new kitchen gadgets and trendy kitchen decor.  I'll be honest in that I'm mostly in it for the recipes but every now and then an idea or look will catch me eye that they've blogged about.   This recipe actually comes from that blog and that blog is none other than The Kitchn.

They posted this recipe recently and I marked it in my Google Reader with the intentions of not putting it in the archives for later, but to make it rather soon.  You see, there are some recipes that I come across that are just not worth waiting for - they are much, much more than that and need to be (quickly) put on the menu for trying.  I did just that.  I put these delectable little potatoes filled with heaven (yes, heaven) on the menu for this past weekend.  I served them with Herbed Shrimp with Asparagus and I cannot even begin to tell how well-balanced the flavors of that meal were!

These potatoes are a must-have for any meal of the sort: dinner, parties, fancy get-togethers, quick lunches, etc.  Oh My Goodness.  They were so easy and required hardly any ingredients other than a baked potato, a little Parmesan, some ricotta and fresh lemon zest.  You would think the cheese on the potato would've made for a heavy dish, but the lemon zest lightened it up so much and the combination was like little puffs of cheese on top of potatoes...simply delectable!

Lemon Ricotta Potatoes

1 1/2 lbs. Small Red Potatoes
1/2 cup Ricotta Cheese
2 Tbsp. Parmesan Cheese, grated
Zest from 1/2 Lemon
Olive Oil for drizzling

Preheat oven to 450 degrees.  Place the potatoes on a long piece of aluminum foil (about 3' long).  Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt and pepper.  Bring up the edges of the foil around the potatoes to make a tent.  Place tent of potatoes on a baking sheet and bake for 40 minutes. 

Meanwhile, in a small bowl, mix together the ricotta and Parmesan cheese until blended well.  Add in the lemon zest and season with salt and pepper to taste.

Once potatoes are cool enough to touch, use a paring knife to mark an "X" in the top of each potato.  Gently squeeze them to break up the potato inside.  Gently spoon the cheese mixture into each potato and lightly drizzle with olive oil.  Serve immediately.

Yield: 4 Servings
Source: Adapted from The Kitchn, originally adapted from Everyday Food

Monday, June 21, 2010

Herbed Shrimp with Asparagus

I know I've been a little M.I.A. lately and there's good reason for it.  Promise.  I can't let the cat out of the bag yet but something BIG is going on in our life right now and there are BIG changes ahead for us in the very near future!  If you're friends with me on the nest, then you probably already know what I'm referring to.  For those of you who aren't and don't, it looks like you'll just have to wait a teensy bit longer.  Haha...sorry guys!

Anyhoo....this BIG thing has been taking up a lot of time for me lately and I honestly haven't had much time to spend in the kitchen and I really haven't even felt like cooking.  Shocking, I know!  It's been so hot here and unbearable at times and the thought of heating the kitchen up with the stove or oven or even worse: going outside to work over a hot grill is just the furthest thing from my list of priorities and wants.  Yes, we have A/C but even on the hottest days, it sometimes doesn't feel like it's on.  But you get a reality check as soon as you walk inside from being outside and then you's on!

With it being Father's Day this past weekend and us actually being home, I thought it would be nice to make a nice dinner after church on Sunday.  I wasn't sure I'd feel up to it as some you may know, I lost my Dad unexpectedly in February so it's definitely been taking it's toll on me over the past couple of weeks in anticipation of this now dreaded holiday.  I still have my Step Dad, Bruce, who is a wonderful father in my life and has been since I was 2, but nothing and no one will ever replace my Dad.  One thing that's for sure, though, is our shared love for cooking (and eating) and I know he would've wanted me to carry on with my day like any other and cook a fabulous dinner.  So in honor of him, I did!  And let me tell how fabulous this was.  I cannot wait for lunch today because that means leftovers and I don't remember being this excited for leftovers in a long time...I'm practically squealing like a little pig!

So this recipe comes from, yet again, my favorite cookbook: Grand Temptations.  I've been eyeing it for a while now and everytime I have shrimp to use up, I think I'm going to make it and then I find something else wonderful to cook (ahem...these Creamy Shrimp & Grits and Creamy Shrimp & Pasta are definitely culprits)!  I almost did it again this weekend, but I stopped myself and said, "Self, you've been wanting to make this recipe for a long time, so stop with the nonsense and get on with it!"  And I am SO glad I did!  Despite the butter and creaminess of the shrimp, it's actually a very light and flavorful dish and the asparagus...I don't think I've cooked asparagus that perfect in, well, never!  I steamed it and then schocked it in ice water to retain a nice and tender crunch and that beautiful green color.  The combination of the light asparagus with the creamy shrimp was ahhh-mazing!  So, so good! 

Herbed Shrimp with Asparagus

1- Lg. bunch Asparagus
1/3 cup Olive Oil
1/4 Onion, chopped
2 cloves Garlic, minced
1lb. Large Shrimp, peeled and deveined
1/4 cup Flour
1/2 cup Chicken Stock
2 Tbsp. Fresh Parsley, chopped
2 Tbsp. Fresh Basil, chopped
2 Tomatoes, chopped
1/4 cup Unsalted Butter
2 Tbsp. Butter, melted

Place the asparagus in a pot of boiling water and cook for 5 minutes.  Remove and place in a bowl of ice water - This process is called "shocking" and it actually helps to stop the cooking process and leaves vegetables nice and tender and gives them a nice, vibrant color.

Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a large skillet over med-high heat.  Add in the onion and garlic; saute' until tender (about 2 minutes). 

In a medium bowl, dust the shrimp with flour until evenly coated.  Add the shrimp into the skillet and saute' until it turns pink (about 3 minutes).  Add in the stock, parsley, basil and salt and pepper to taste; mix well.  Simmer for 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.  Add in the tomatoes and 1/4 cup butter.  Cook just until the tomatoes begin to soften and the butter melts, stirring frequently.

Arrange the asparagus on plates and brush with the warm, melted butter.  Spoon the shrimp mixture over the asparagus and serve immediately.

Yield: 4 Servings
Source: Adapted from Grand Temptations

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Grilled Romaine Salad

So most of you know that I'm originally from the Midwest, specifically, Michigan.  I am and always will be a Michigander!  But home now is here in the South and I wouldn't have it any other way....there are so many incredible things that I love about living the Southern life!

That said, I do have some favorite things in Michigan that will always hold a special place in my heart!  If you've never been, West Michigan in particular, is one of the best places to live (and visit)!  I know I'm a little biased but it's great for young people, for older people and families alike.  Grand Rapids is fun and vibrant and filled with great culture - it gives you a big city feel without actually being in a huge, overwhelmingly large city.  You can drive 10 minutes out and be in the country and you're just a quick drive away from the lake shore with the beautiful picturesque Lake Michigan and all that it's beaches and quaint little lake towns have to offer!

Like any larger area, there are definitely places very worth your while in checking out, specifically to dine!  To name a few: San Chez, Leo's, Seoul Garden, Vitale's and Republic.  Republic is newer to the area but has already made it's mark and will continue to thrive downtown.  The food is fantastic, the atmosphere isn't stuffy but rather filled with great conversation and laughter and the drinks speak for themselves!  If you ever get the opportunity to visit, you should definitely check them out!  Have a cucumber martini on me (they're the best)!  For not being an Asian restaurant, their sushi is to impress and the sea scallops.....ahhhh-mazing!  But my favorite thing to get there is a salad.  Yes, a salad.  But a grilled salad, nonetheless!  They grill romaine hearts to perfection and serve them halved with candied walnuts, feta cheese and a smoky tomato basil mouth is watering as I type!

I wanted to recreate this phenomenal dish and thought it would pair perfectly with our Classic Beef Kabobs.  I did it a little bit differently, using ingredients we already had, but the flavors were still there and it was oh, so good!  Chris even liked it, which I was pleasantly surprised by - I wasn't sure how he'd feel about "grilled lettuce!" 

The depth of flavors that you get from this dish is incomparable to anything I've ever had - the smokiness from the romaine, the saltiness of the feta, the sweet crunch from the candied pecans paired with a homemade tomato and sweet basil vinaigrette was divine...absolutely divine!

Grilled Romaine Salad

2 Hearts of Romaine, cut in half length-wise
Olive Oil
Feta Cheese, crumbled
1 cup Pecans, chopped
5 Tbsp. Sugar
Tomato Basil Vinaigrette

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Spread pecans out on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake until toasted (about 5 minutes).  Let cool.

Meanwhile, in a small pan, heat sugar over medium heat, stirring occasionally.  As sugar begins to melt, start stirring more frequently until it caramelizes and turns golden-amber in color (about 5 minutes).  Remove from heat and add in the toasted pecans and toss them into the sugar mixture until all pieces are coated evenly.  Carefully spread the candied pecans back onto the parchment-lined baking sheet, using 2 forks to help separate the larger clumps.  Let cool completely.

Preheat grill to med-high heat.  Brush a small amount of olive oil on the cut side of each romaine heart.  Season to taste with salt and pepper.  Place each romaine heart, cut-side down, onto the grill and let cook for approximately 90 seconds.  Remove from heat and sprinkle cheese and pecans generously over each romaine heart.  Drizzle with dressing and serve warm.

Yield: 4 Servings
Source: With a Cherry on Top original

Tomato Basil Vinaigrette

I specifically made this dressing for this Grilled Romaine Salad we had recently and it truly made the perfect topping for the combination of flavors going on in the dish.  But, honestly, it would be equally as good on just about any other kind of salad.  I'm hoping to try it out again soon on my favorite go-to salad consisting of fresh spinach leaves, red onion, toasted pine nuts, fresh tomatoes and Gorgonzola cheese....I can only imagine how delectable it will be!

This is one of the easiest and most flavorful dressings I've ever made!  Seriously guys, if you've never made homemade salad dressing, you should really give it a shot.  With just a few staple ingredients from the pantry, you can convert a typical salad into extraordinary by just replacing your store-bought dressing for fresh ingredients and complimentary flavors!  It not only saves you money, but they're better for you, they're easy to make and you can change up the flavors however and whenever you want!

Tomato Basil Vinaigrette

1 - 14.5oz. can Diced Fire-Roasted Tomatoes, drained
1/4 cup Red Wine Vinegar
1 clove Garlic, chopped
2 Tbsp. Fresh Basil, chopped
1/2 cup Olive Oil

In a food processor or blender, combine the tomatoes, vinegar, garlic, basil and olive oil; blend well.  Season with salt and pepper to taste and serve immediately.

Source: Adapted from Bobby Flay

Monday, June 7, 2010

Classic Beef Kabobs

I absolutely love kabobs of all kinds, but my favorite is a classic kabob with beef and an assortment of veggies!  The mixture of red onion, mushrooms and colored peppers provide a bright and flavorful complement to the meat!  And let's face it peeps, they're fun to eat!

The only thing I dislike about making kabobs is the time that goes into preparing them.  There's a lot of cutting, chopping, skewering, and marinating going on!  It's all very time consuming for just one dish and something you usually have to prepare ahead of time, which is why we probably only eat them maybe once a month!

The nice part is that while I take the brunt of the work in getting them made, Chris steps up and cooks them in the HOT, HOT heat we have here over the HOT grill!  Isn't he so wonderful?!  Seriously, he truly is....I'm the luckiest woman alive (not just because he grills, although that is a bonus)!

We've really been taking the opportunity to grill on the weekends, since we don't do it much during the week.  We also take advantage of the time on the weekends to prepare and eat a nice meal.  While we try to eat nice meals during the week, I like to give myself a little more of a challenge on the weekend since I have more time to do it!  With these kabobs, I prepared a grilled romaine salad with candied pecans, feta and a homemade tomato basil vinaigrette.  In addition, we had a nice blend of roasted potatoes and onions seasoned lightly with a little salt, pepper and fresh rosemary.  The whole meal was absolutely delish and actually very light, but filling....enough to make us take naps afterwards!!!

Classic Beef Kabobs

1.5 lbs. Top Sirloin, cut into 1" chunks
1 Med. Red Onion, cut into 1 1/2" chunks
1 Lg. Green Pepper, cut into 1 1/2" chunks
1 Lg. Red Pepper, cut into 1 1/2" chunks
1 Lg. Yellow Pepper, cut into 1 1/2" chunks
1 Lg. Orange Pepper, cut into 1 1/2" chunks
1 lb. Button Mushrooms, sliced in half
1 1/2 cups Italian Dressing

In a med. bowl, pour 1 cup of Italian dressing over the sirloin and let marinate, covered in the fridge, for at least 1 hour.

To assemble the kabobs, carefully thread the sirloin onto the skewers, alternating with the vegetables.  Once all of the kabobs have been assembled, lightly brush the remaining dressing over them and place on a pre-heated grill.

Cook over med-high heat, about 8-10 minutes, turning once during the cooking process. 

Yield: 4 Servings
Source: With a Cherry on Top original

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Poppy Lime Fruit

Memorial Day has just passed and in my book, it's officially Summer!  It's a holiday that is widely recognized as the summer kickoff for BBQ's, opening up the pool, taking the boat out on the lake and spending quality time with good friends and family!

I don't know about y'all, but we had a fantastic holiday weekend!  We spent time out on the boat with some great friends and had an amazing cookout with grilled steak, salmon, grilled potatoes, homemade ice cream and Poppy Lime Fruit!  It was actually just watermelon - I got a great deal on it and it was so juicy and so, so sweet!

This is a recipe I have been using for years!  Fresh fruit in the Summer is one of those things that you just can't do without, especially at any gathering of the sort!  But sometimes it's nice to add a little "something" to jazz up the flavor just a bit and make it a little different than the norm.  Some use fruit dips, but I use this dressing!  It is so easy to throw together and only requires a few staple ingredients from the pantry!  It doesn't change the flavor or the texture of the fruit in any way, but just adds a little pizazz to it and it is so, so, good!  It has never let me down and is always one of my most requested recipes!

Poppy Lime Fruit

1 Lime
4 Tbsp. Sugar
1 1/2 Tsp. Poppy Seeds
1/4 Tsp. Salt
1/3 cup Vegetable Oil
Fresh, Seasonal Fruit

In a small bowl, whisk together the juice of the lime, sugar, poppy seeds and salt until the sugar is dissolved.  Slowly whisk in the oil until combined.

Pour the dressing over the fruit in a large serving bowl and gently toss to combine.

Yield: 12-14 Servings
Source: Adapted from Grand Temptations